Monday, April 21, 2014

7 Months!

James is 7 months old! Now that the warm, beautiful weather is here I'm really looking forward to being outside more. He loves the outdoors! And gosh how I've missed the fresh air. The sunshine. What a long, cold winter we had. Leah is thrilled for this weather too, she's already gotten a sunburn! :( Now she doesn't leave the house without sunblock and a hat.

Some things im beginning to work on with James?
* cutting down on the number of feeds
* cutting out nighttime wake-ups all together

He's so close to crawling and can pull himself up to his knees holding onto things. Also, he weighs 22.2 lbs now!! Fewf!!

Happy 7 month birthday sweet boy!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

One Year Married!

If you're not in the mood for sappy...move on. heh heh

One year ago, it was the most beautiful day in April. This year, I think its the coldest. Either way, it will always be the most beautiful day. One year ago, in front of God and our most closest friends and family, we officially went from being two to one. Bound together. Heart and soul. Forever. And ever. Although we've actually been together for 6 1/2 years, this day is still so special. And I love him now as much as I always have.
This year has been an amazingly blessed one. And I am so grateful. I thank God profusely for this man. This good hearted, easy going, mostly positive man. He's my hero and my rock. His arms know a good workin', how to use a rifle and throw grenades, and how to hold his babies. In his arms is the safest place I can ever be.

Thank you for making me your wife, Matthew. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'll choose you again and again.

(April 15, 2013)