Thursday, January 29, 2015

365 Photo Challenge - Week 4

Week Four? Nice! Here we go :

22. When she sneaks into our bed and scares the poop out of me (not actually).
23. lazy day clothes and lazy day messy buns.
24. always sucking on those two fingers.
25. just-because-lipstick a lot lately.
26. currently reading.
27. Leah's Masterpiece with a capital 'M' - because... well. She's 5 and just look at it.
28. Bathtub party with clothes on

Monday, January 26, 2015

This Week's Inspiration Verse

Practicing last week's verse went great! I wrote it down and taped the piece of paper up in the dining room. Leah and I practiced it every time we sat to the table. Sometimes she even took the initiative to start us up, "Mommy, lets say this weeks verse! ...Confess your sins..." And on she went. By the end of the week she had the entire thing memorized and looked to me for approval.

This week I chose one that she could really understand and hopefully resonate with and put into action. 1 John 3:18. We, as children of God, sons and daughters, princes and princess of the One True King are addressed. The letter of 1 John addresses all Christians as Children of God, we all know God the Father, and with that being so, we are all therefore brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Geneva Bible says, "My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue only, but in deed and in truth."

We are called to set an example. We should not merely say that we love. Our love must show itself in what we do. We Christians should love each other. We should be active in our love. We should work for the benefit of other people with sincerity and compassion and generosity.

This week I'm going to work with Leah to put love into action.

Father in Heaven, thank you. Thank you for you're faithful and genuine love for us. Thank you for the freedom to publicly love you without much reprimand. Please wrap your loving, comforting arms around those who are persecuted, especially those who lose their lives for loving you. Please be with us this week and always as we try to help others and show genuine love in our actions. To you be all the glory, forever. I love you. Amen.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

365 Photos - Week 3

15. The photo we emailed her teacher when she requested a "brushing teeth" photo ;)
16. After hours of staring at a computer screen at work, I leave work and see this. This beautiful sunset in the middle of Winter and think, "God, is this just for me?" I'm sure He chuckles to Himself and says, "No, My Child, not just for you. There are other's who need this today too." :)
17. More Magic Mixer creations. Those things are kind of disgusting. The brownies were pretty good though. Just a heads up.
18. The last remaining snowflakes of the 160-something that filled my house for Christmas and Leah's birthday party. (But that's another story, for another time.)
19. My goof-ball dog. Haha!
20. Toes. I could sit and huff on baby toes all. day. long.
21. My goof-ball daughter. Love her extremely though.  

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Weekly Scripture Challenge

As if life hasn't gotten busy enough, here I go thinking of something else to use up my time. Except this? Is about love. It's about peace. It's about Grace. Its about Gratitude. It's about Him. Time with Him. It was one of my New Year Goals.

I have been so blessed these last couple of months, my family has been blessed and I am just so excited to see what God has in store for us. My school has been put on hold and I've found a job! (Another New Year Goal completed!)

So, now what can I do for Him? What about a weekly scripture? ... for me, my kids, my husband, for you, if you would like. I don't know about you but everything is pretty busy around here now that my husband and I are working, Leah is in school and all while still trying to keep house and entertain and love on my littles. But this is something that can be easy. It can be done at bed, at the dinner table, during breakfast, or all three. It doesn't have to be anything major but by the end of the week, if my daughter has learned a new verse, that would be enough to make my entire week!

Lets start off with James 5:16. Do you have anyone that you feel comfortable enough to confess your sins to? I have a few people I'm comfortable enough around to confess most sins. But for the ones that I'd rather not share? I turn to God and ask his forgiveness. I can count on him to keep my secrets and understand my faults. One day, when my children come to me with their issues and embarrassments or problems, I just hope I have enough grace by then to understand and forgive. And enough knowledge to guide them and help them when they need it.

Lets pray: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your mercy, your grace and your faith in me. Thank you for these precious little gifts that I get to raise into adults. Please give me the courage and confidence to confess and confide in a friend without feeling judged. I pray for knowledge and understanding as my children look to me for answers and forgiveness as well. Thank you for your many blessings each and every day. I love you.
In Jesus name, Amen.

Monday, January 19, 2015

The Baltic Amber Teething Necklace

That all powerful, best ever, cure-all awesome teething necklace. Hmmm.
James has had one since he was 3 months old. Leah was an early teether, and actually quite an amazing teether without an amber necklace may i add. But there was huge hype over this magical necklace that could take away or ease babies pain while those mean teeth came through. And to be honest with you? They looked pretty darn cute too.
I was so set on getting one for James. I told my skeptic husband about them and he thought it was a waste of money. But because he gets me pretty much whatever i ask... he let me buy one. And he immediately thought it was the cutest thing and weather it was hocus pocus or not he liked it. Ha!
Now let me just be clear here. I bought this necklace from a well known, well liked, reputable little store in the big city. I researched and read reviews. All were positive and pleasantly pleased. Even now, i research on "the baltic amber teething necklace" and no one has anything negative to say. Which is why I'm sure some people won't like what I'm about to say, since 95% of people swear by them. Actually, i bet most people won't like it. However, I'm saying it anyways, because i would of appreciated a review such as this.
Here it is: some babies are better teethers than others. Period. Is that so hard to believe? Some babies can grow those mean teeth like little champions. Other babies? Not so much. They aren't as tough. Or they're more vocal and emotional about their discomforts. Thats understandable isnt is? No?
Okay, okay, get this. My sister is a teenager. She's one of the biggest and i mean biggest whiney-pants EVER. I whine too. But definitely nowhere near as much as that girl can. You see? People are different. So are babies. Bam.
I honestly think these necklaces are another money-making fad. And they are cute as heck, so that's a bonus. I have talked to other mom's at play groups or at the library or school or whatever and you know what? There are other people out there who think the same as me. I'm not alone!
So, in the end, not a total waste of money, 'cause it's cute. That's all. Nothing magical, or really helpful at all.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

My 14 Days of Love Project

Valentines Day is less than a month away. We never do anything big. Like, ever. But this year I'm thinking of doing something big. And unexpected. And fun. And memorable.

I'm currently reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and if you've read it then you'll be familiar with the little "Anniversary treasure hunt" that she annually sends her husband on. I thought it was kinda cute.

So. My idea? I'm thinking I'll just go with the flow. But I want to leave little clues for my husband to find each day starting on February 1st, and then on Valentine's Day he will have the last clue that leads him to his gift.
*Warning! Mushy Gushy Alert*
My husband is my ultimate valentine. The man has worked his butt off for the last 6 years providing for our little family. All we have is because of his hard work. Some pretty exciting things happened this past week and big things are in store for this family of ours. I owe it to him to make him feel ultimately special this Valentine's Day. I'm excited and I've already started thinking of little clues and small little gifts to leave around. I haven't figured out yet all the small details but this is what I'm thinking.

It's going to be fun, and it'll keep me busy for sure. But that's why I'm getting a head start close to a month away! What kinds of things do you do with your husbands or wives for this month of LOVE?