Thursday, February 27, 2014

Winter Can be Over Now

Winter. Bleh.

This Winter has seemed like the longest winter ever. Near the end of Fall Matt had said "I want to get a bunch of snow this year, like we used to get when we were kids".  Be careful what you wish for! We got it.

It was nice to finally have a white Christmas and be able to make a pretty awesome snow fort. And although Winter is almost (should be) over, we have yet to go sledding or make a snow man. But with the amount of snow we have? There's still time for that.

I don't hate Winter. It has it's moments of beauty and fun (occasionally), and every time it snows I watch for a long while, appreciating every snowflake. The uniqueness of every one, slowly falling from "the heavens". But? Still, I'm kind of over it.

It is hard lugging a 20+ lb. car seat out of a Jeep (that even I have troubles getting into sometimes) into the cold Winter air, walking through snow. Or the snow pants and snow boots. Every single morning. That's, like, five whole minutes longer it takes us to get ready to leave.

And the sickness. Oh, the sickness. Running noses, coughs, whiney babies. Sickness has not left our house since this cold weather hit. It has not let up. Poor James has been sick the whole 5 months of his life so far, pretty much. But, of course, I am grateful and thankful that this is all my children suffer from. I know there are parents out there sitting in a hospital room somewhere with their terminally ill children, eagerly waiting morning. And I think of them, and pray for them. Because, I can't even begin to imagine.

The wind is howling loud now and the trees are swaying, snow is falling and blowing so you see only white. And I just want health in this home.


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Been Busy Bakin'

I love my sweets and homemade goods! But I haven't really been one to do it myself. I didn't even cook most nights, but I'll blame a newborn for that. We mostly ate quick things I could throw in the oven or something I could throw together in a dish and pop in the oven. Or pizza.

But lately? My oven has been getting spoiled. [speaking of which...I should probably clean it.] I've been baking lots of yummy Banana Blueberry Buttermilk Bread and muffins! So, so good!

Its kind of a family thing, since my great-grandmother, as far as I know. But I'm sure even before that. Homemade bread! By hand, not a bread maker. The old-fashioned way. The best way! I've never made it before so my mom came over to teach me the techniques. And lets just say it's MUCH harder than it looked growing up. But I'll be definitely getting her over here more so I can be just as good as her. We tried something for the first time though (my idea, obviously -cheese!), we made a cheese loaf. I also put some of the dough aside for a homemade, cheese-stuffed-crust pizza! Go ahead, drool. I won't judge. My house has been smelling heavenly!

And, I've also given the good 'ol Lactation cookies a shot. They turned out so so good. I'm now a new rolled oats fan. The recipe made so many cookies (48), I ended up freezing some. Although, that didn't make them last any longer. They were still all gone in less than 2 weeks. :)

My newest attempt? Cinnamon buns! Also from scratch. Also mouth wateringly delicious. Pretty simple too. Just look how pretty these are...
Tortillas! Not in the oven, but still, from scratch! And that's huge for me, especially with another baby...rolling out paper thin pieces of dough and frying it up in a pan. But they really are yummy and pretty! I don't think I'll buy the expensive store kind anymore - as long as I can help it anyways.
I'm kinda loving the whole baking-homemade-from-scratch thing! And I plan on doing it as much as I possibly can from here on. So you might just see more posts of my delicious successes!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

4 AND 5 Month Update (oops!)

Life has been all kinds of hectic here lately. We've been sick (who hasnt been?). Matt worked 31 days in a row and most weeks pushing 55+ hours.
Also? Ive been cooking! Ha. Yeah, that New Year goal of mine is happening. We've been trying new recipes for suppers and baking cookies and tortillas. All kinds of fun stuff. More on that later. Back to my baby:
So, at his two month check up he was over 16 lbs. At his (late) 4 month check up only days away from him turning 5 months, he was over 19lbs and 27.5" long. Biiiiiig boy. It is so so relieving to know he is getting enough to eat and growing steadily. He has had a cold for a while now with broncitis prior to that. He's been put on antibiotics again now for a sinus infection (hes been getting bloody noses), although we are 7 days in and he's still getting dry bloody crusties in his. He sleeps with a humidifier so im not sure if this is something I should be concerned about since its cold and dry these winter months. For the last month though he has been the crankiest most grumpy baby. Its frustrating to say the least. For a few days he was terribly gassy but now he seems fine, just whiney. I think he's just about to cut his first tooth.
He has started to sort of roll over from his tummy to his back, only a few times. He seems content with not moving from his back though. He coos and chats up a storm. He can also sit up on his own now, although he will occasionally still topple over. His favorite person is Leah. Also, still waking up every 2-3 hours a night. He's a chatter box too. Sometimes when I put him back in bed he coos for another 20 mins. I love it.
He really truly loves his sister. And she really truly loves him. He lights up becomes a different baby when shes here.
I love being their mom. And most days I feel so complete with this family God has entrusted me with.
I cant believe he is almost a half a year old! Seriously.