Wednesday, November 26, 2014

22 of our Favourite Christmas Movies (Do you remember any of these?)

I don't know about you but I have some awesome Christmas memories as a kid. Some of the best, other than getting that doll you wanted SO badly, and never thought you'd get, was watching Christmas movies.

Remember VHS? Remember recording from the tv to a video? Yeah, that was pretty awesome. We had some classics recorded on video.

Here's some of my all-time favourites:
  • How The Grinch Stole Christmas
  • Home Alone
  • Rudolf The Red Nose Reindeer
  • Frosty The Snowman
  • A Charlie Brown Christmas
  • Care Bears The Nutcracker
    Care Bears : Nutcracker - Free ShippingIn this prelude to the television series, "The Raccoons," Bert, Melissa and Ralph Raccoon have their home stolen when Tommy and Julie cut down their home for a Christmas tree.Christopher the Christmas Tree
  • The Christmas Raccoons (I loved this show even when it wasn't Christmas!)
  • Christopher the Christmas Tree
  • Annabell's Wish (This movie introduced my LOVE for Jersey Cows, and my dream of owning one. Don't judge me.)
This is Tara and my favorite Christmas movie....One Magic Christmas ... And when Cody. & Tara were kids we watched it every Christmas.... Love it!!my dad's favorite christmas movie. we watched it every christmas and I haven't watched it since he passed away.The Wish That Changed Christmas. Based on the book The Story of Holly and Ivy. (1991)
  • One Magic Christmas
  • The Wish That Changed Christmas (25 minutes long but Oh So Sweet!)
  • A Flintstone Family Christmas

I'm sure there's other classic that i'm forgetting, but those were my ultimate favorites! Here is some of Leah's favorite Christmas movies:

  • The Polar Express
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Arthur Christmas
  • Beauty and the Beast Enchanted Christmas
  • Frozen (obviously)
  • Shrek The Halls
  • The Santa Claus Trilogy
  • Veggie Tales Saint Nicholas
  • Mickey's Christmas Carol
  • Rise of the Guardians

She really enjoys some of my favorite classics too, and obviously I enjoy the new(ish) ones. Needless to say, we watch a TON of Christmas movies!

What are your favourite Christmas movies? I'd love to add it to my list!

Merry Christmas friends!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Motherhood Rambling (whining)

Motherhood isn't always sunshine and daisies. At least for me. I kinda squint my eyes in wonder (and maybe a hint of sarcastic judgment) as I scroll through someone's "perfectly happy" Instagram life. Your sweet children are beautiful but all I can think is how the heck does she do it?

Some peoples "bad" days are my good days.

I just want to do this mom-thing right. I just want to raise good children, Godly children. That grow into people I'll be proud of. Is that too much? Is that unrealistic? Because most days im questioning this whole job.

Like, I'm doing it all wrong.

What do you hear during the day? The radio? The T.V? Nothing?!

I hear Backyardigans. All freaking day! Everyday. And then, I go to sleep and I see them. I dream, if I'm lucky enough to go into that deep of a sleep, and they are there. Five dancing little creatures.

Because If they aren't on the t.v. James has a conniption. He maybe watches it for a total of 1.5 hours a day, VERY on and off. But he HAS to have it playing. We have two movies. One that is 25 minutes and another that is 1.5 hours.

Yeaahhh.... Let me tell you. There's a lot of Backyardigan hours in a day. Believe me.

Also? How does one NOT go a little nuts with a child constantly on your leg and another whining in the background while Backyardigans play for the 8th time that day?

Going pee? Yeah... you're not alone. You're never alone. Like, everrrrr.

And I have two children. Reasonably spaced. Nothing crazy like a year or two. No, they are almost 4 years apart. And they still fight. My one year old has known how to pull hair to get his way since he was 9 months old. My almost-5-year-old = whining QUEEN. You ain't heard whining till you heard my daughter. And so, obviously, James has learned this skill as well. Guess what else she taught him. They both sit there shaking their heads no saying "uh uhn!"

I'm just saying.

I thought this mommy thing would be easier.

Children are beautiful, but man is it hard. Worth it, if you come out sane. Well, maybe if you don't come out sane, it's still worth it. But still.

Iv'e had a few days of "MOMMY MOMENTS"!! Pray for me.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Gratitude (or not) for the season.

I've been so filled and humbled by His grace lately. My heart has been so at peace.

Im sitting here, under my heated blanket with a fresh pair of knitted slippers on, sipping on my second cup of coffee and clutching my book, staring out the window.

God has been busy, intricately designing each beautiful snowflake and having them fall perfectly peaceful along the tree branches.

Although im not a fan of bundling up the kids (which could take 15 mins) or stuffing them into their carseats, scraping off ice, brushing off snow, cold toes, runny noses, freezing vehicles, slippery roads, road salt all over my boots, shoveling, copious amounts of snow brought into the house, ....

Where was i going with this? ....

Oh. Right. ALTHOUGH i don't like a lot of things about winter, i DO enjoy the cozy warm part. The outside looking in part.

But i am still so amazed at the beauty of it. And i praise God for His articulate,  holy hand.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Detox Diet Day 3 -- a new goal.

Okay, so I'm supposed to be starting day three of the GM Detox Diet. Except physical, I can't do it. I'm eating and taking in 8-12 glasses of water a day but I'm just too weak! That was one of the side affects of this diet but I didn't realize how bad it would be. Like, going up the stairs? My legs felt like I just did those same stairs 10 times. I could barely lift Leah into our Jeep. I also woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn't even hold onto my glass of water. Which, doesn't normally happen to me.

So, yeah, I guess you can call me a wimp or unmotivated or lacking will-power -- fine.


Even just 2 days of this diet and I have a HUGE boost in motivation to eat healthier. I mean, I did go out and buy TONS of fruits and veggies. But it feels good to sit down and eat a bowl of sliced cucumber and tomatoes. Or snack on melon instead of Halloween candy. The only carbs that I've taken in was a yogurt and cranberry granola bar yesterday, because I felt like I was dying. Anyways, this excitement for a healthier lifestyle has me super excited. Excited to just be healthier.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 - Teach Our Children Purity from God's word, not an earthly standard - Disciple them with the truth.

Because I owe it to myself. I owe it to my family. I owe it to God.

I'm down one pound in two days. I can even see a change in my complexion, my eyes. And in just those two days I was able to realize how much junk and unneeded food I take in. Because I'm one of those people who cant see a half of my kids dinner go in the garbage, so I just "pick" at it. It's been hard but I've stopped doing that.

With my not finishing this 7-day detox I've come across a new goal, and that is to just be healthy. And I'm not going to beat myself up for this. I tried and I failed and I still succeeded.

I'm happy with that.


Saturday, November 08, 2014

Detox Diet Day One

Okay so i did a lot of research on different diets and detoxes and i ended up going with this one. Im going to do a short update on here everyday about how im feeling, if im down in weight etc. to kind of hold me (a little more) accountable. SO! Look forward to daily updates for the next week!

Its known as the GM Diet. Its pretty straightforward and if you want to read more about it you can go here. I'll probably do a full review when im done. At least, that's the plan.

My day-one goal is to ingest all fruits, except bananas, and tons of water. Im pretty pumped about how well I've done so far. I also get to have their special "wonder soup" in unlimited amounts.

Why does produce have to be so expensive?! Why cant it be affordable for people to eat healthy? I mean, i didnt spend a whole lot more than what i usually do on groceries. But a lot of what i bought won't last an entire two weeks. We go shopping every two weeks. Most produce doesnt last that long.

Anyways. This is my Day-One update. Feeling good and excited for tomorrow! Veggie day!!

Friday, November 07, 2014

A Run-in With Head Lice


That's my first thought when I hear "head lice". Tiny little bugs living on your scalp, laying eggs, feeding off your blood? Yeah, stay FAR away from me, thank you!

But then we get a phone call from Leah's school. She's got head lice. She needs to be picked up.

And...queue freak-out.

As soon as she came in the door she was beaming. Smiling from ear to ear, "Mommy, look at this! I got head lice. See, the bug is taped the paper, and an egg too!" Oh, their sweet innocence. They are so untainted from this evil world. This world of judging, name-calling, mean people. I wish it could always be that way. I was honestly expecting her to be more uncertain, nervous, or sad. I guess my kid is just a confident one.

I asked if I could have a look near her neck and she willingly bent her head over. The nits were clearly visible and I don't even know how I didn't notice anything. That's one thing I never understood with kids getting lice. How did the parents not even know? Do they not brush or do their kid's hair?

I bathe the kids 2-3 times a week depending on how busy we are. I do Leah's hair everyday. French braids, pigtails, buns, pony-tails, and I never noticed a thing. I didn't even notice itching!

I've personally never had head lice so I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing. But with head lice in my home(!!), I felt extremely antsy and had to do something while I waited for Matt to come home on his lunch to pick up treatment. Here's what I did and what I suggest you do if you know your child has head lice:
  • Put all couch cushions, blankets, throws etc. into the dryer for 35-40 mins. on high heat.
  • Gather all hats, coats and either wash and dry or just dry for 35-40 mins as well.
  • I also stripped Leah's bed of all bedding, pillows, stuffys, as well as the other beds in the house (just in case)
  • What can't be put in the dryer, vacuum if you can. Otherwise put aside for 48 hours. Some people suggest placing things in garbage bags for 48 hours but it doesn't matter. Lice can't live off of the scalp.
  • Collect any bath towels they recently used and place in the laundry. I gave Leah a new towel each time her hair was washed.
  • Make sure they wear different pyjamas every night.
  • Boil hair brushes and combs
  • And lastly, give them a hug and kiss because yes, they can transfer from head to head but they cannot fly or jump and giving them some love will definitely make the both of you feel better

Once we got the treatment (we used Resultz Head Lice Treatment, which I highly recommend) I bathed Leah and did it with her still in the bath. Basically you soak the head and let it sit for 10 mins then wash out with shampoo. Afterwards, she got in jammies and we sat to the kitchen table. She had a snack and I combed her hair and went through it with the lice comb, removing the eggs (nits). Im going to say she had about 50 eggs max. And honestly, that might sound like a lot but its totally not (they can lay between 10-50 eggs a day). I found ZERO bugs.
She had to stay home for 24 hours and the night before she was to return to school she got in the bath again so I could wash the rest of the oily residue out. I went through her head again and only found 2 eggs. SO YAY!! That means no mature lice laying eggs. (I think we caught it early enough!)
I'm going to continue going through her head every night before bed since the eggs are so small, chances of missing some are high. And in 7 days she's due for another treatment. 
**Some other suggestions:
  •  Tea Tree shampoo! Lice hate it. Only use a small amount though, it dries out the scalp. I used a little too much on Leah and she was itchy from dry skin :(   
  • Once you're done combing through hair, braid it and use hair spray.

This wasn't a great experience but it was an experience nonetheless. I can now take better precautions to prevent it in the future. It's obviously something I don't wish upon you, but if you ever find yourself in the situation I hope you find these tips helpful!

Thursday, November 06, 2014

Boy's Best Friend

Back in July we got to bring home our newest family member. A sweet, cuddly, energetic little Australian Shepherd. We picked her out when she was just a week old. This adorable little face captured us.
We made visits until she was ready to come home with us. Leah had no idea about her. It was a surprise until a couple days before we picked her up. 
She is the most loveable dog, right from the start. She spent the entire drive home curled up on my shoulders between the headrest. 

I knew these dogs were knows for the good behaviour with children as well as their intelligence. I didn't realize the bond that would develop immediately between her and James. It's like they were littermates or something. He spends a lot of the day just laying on her, petting her, laughing at her or hanging out in her crate. And she is incredibly patient and gentle with him. Its amazing and beautiful and something that I'm sure will last for as long as she lives. He has a true best friend right here.


Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Beating Boredom This Season

I can't believe the cold weather is here again! It's Fall! Almost Winter! Well, it feels like Winter some days anyway. Doesn't it seem like it wasn't that long ago that we finally got rid of the snow?

Although this tends to be my favourite season, with its beautiful leaves, my birthday (heehee), Halloween and comfy clothes, it's usually the most boring season. With colder weather brings more days of being stuck inside. The kids go stir crazy (okay, okay. I go stir crazy.) But this means I have to come up with things to keep me busy. Keep us busy.

Here's an idea of some things on my list to keep us away from boredom:

1. Crochet.
Every Fall/Winter I tend to try out crocheting. Sometimes I'm successful. Last year I made a couple baby hats for when James was born. And a hat for Leah. Although they were super cute they all ended up being too small. Huge bummer. The year before I attempted a pillow. haha. It's stuffed and stays hidden on our bed (And it will never leave the bedroom). I suppose each year I'm getting better.

2. Crafts.
Pinterest got me all ambitious.

3. Bake! I love baking! And I haven't been doing any lately. I got an itch to bake something.

4. Workout.
I really need to get in shape again. I'm secretly hoping it'll get give me energy as well.

5. Spend more one on one time with the children.
The summer months, Leah tends to be so absent from home. She's just constantly outside. And then school starts up and I'm still not seeing much of her. So basically, its just one on one time with her that I'm craving. I miss that special time with her.

Let's see where this list gets me. Maybe I'll actually accomplish stuff? Haha

Saturday, November 01, 2014

I Went and Got Snarky. Oops.

I've got this lady on Facebook who uploads close to 40 photos a day of her two children. Half of them are the same, just different expressions. The other half show all kinds of new things they get daily. Toys, hair clips/headbands, a scooter, a helmet, running shoes, a dress, clothes etc. It's extremely excessive.

I'm sure you know the kind of people I'm talking about.

This morning I went on Facebook to find yet another forty-something photos added to her "Halloween 2014" album. I couldn't help but comment:

"WOW!! Halloween?? ....Christmas must of come early at your place! This girl gets new stuff every day! She has tons of frozen stuff! Lol and i thought Leah was spoiled. She's one extremely lucky girl."
Snarky? A little.
Rude? Maybe.
Necessary? No, not really.

Her photos and the obscene amount of things she gets given is just annoying. It's compulsive. It's extreme. And frankly, there's no need of it. I don't usually like to stir things up and cause drama but this is just plain irritating. I mean, I like to get Leah new things. A new toy here and there or a trip to the corner store to pick out some goodies, but I don't go full out nuts. 
Yeah, sometimes it's exciting, getting to re-live some childhood fun, buying new toys, but when is it enough?

Christmas for example, Leah usually gets spoiled. My family sends a package for her with presents, my mom usually has a mini Christmas over at her place for her, then "Santa" comes, and Boxing Day we are usually with Matt's family who gives her a little something too. Her birthday is just a week later so maybe its just the incredible amount of "stuff" that December brings. 
Anyways, I'm going to admit, half of what she gets given she barely plays with. It sits in her room or in the basement not getting played with. Maybe some kids play with everything that they've been given but my daughter doesn't. She's not a home-body though either...she spends a lot of time outside.

But how in the world can the kids even find time to play with all that stuff? I find its just a waste. A waste of money and space.

This whole situation reminded me of this scripture:

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:19-21 
Why not use that money to put into a savings account or just put aside for their schooling? Or use it to buy something for a child whose family can't afford it.

This year we are filling a shoebox with some things like hygiene items, school supplies, toys, and candy. It gets sent to hurting children around the world. You can find out more about here. I'm looking forward to spreading the love of God and teaching Leah all about the joy in giving. I would rather her be more glad to give than to get.

That's a hard characteristic to come across.

"Genuine generosity gives because it is right, because you have something to give, because you desire God to be glorified, because you love people! When you give expecting you will get, that’s selfish, immature and falls far short of the mark of godly generosity."