Thursday, October 31, 2013

Why WE do Halloween


I can understand why some don't "celebrate" Halloween. And I think its really a personal choice. We all know its a historically evil day that has become tradition, even if it's somewhat strayed from its original celebratory acts. There is still evil done on this day. Even today witchcraft practitioners declare October 31 as the most favorable time to practice their arts. So, with that being said I can completely see why people wouldn't want anything to do with it.

But WE - we do. Not to practise witchcraft or celebrate the devil or do evil deeds. We don't do monsters or demonic beings.
I remember dressing up as child every year, I never understood the evil background and that's not even close to the reason why I went out every year. It was fun to dress up. To have a cool costume. A princess or a power ranger. It gave my parents a reason to buy me new dress-up apparel. And I got to stay up a bit later and get candy. Hello.

Small children, like Leah, have no idea what its really "about". She just enjoys dressing up -this year (the same as last year) a pirate - and the idea of trick-or-treating, getting candy, for free. James is being Batman, in case you were curious. Really, the whole history of Halloween is one that I'm not going to sit down and explain to my 4 year old. One day, she'll know about it, when she can understand it. But for now, its not about anything else but dressing up and candy to her. And we enjoy that.

Personally, I have nothing wrong with the whole Halloween thing. Its fun. We don't do scary here but hey, if that's your cup of tea then that's you're choice. There are alternatives to handing out candy as well. You could hand out a pencil (yay) with a verse on it, or hand out scriptural messages with the candy.

We love God and this day doesn't change how we feel and what we know in our hearts to be true. Its just a day. God is bigger than one day.
VBS Verse 2013.... 2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, October 28, 2013

Silence. It Really is Golden.

There's no doubt about it, a baby is exhausting. A baby and a three-and-a-half year old? Even more so. I love doing things with my whole family or just a game of Ponies or colouring with Leah, and its such a good time. Making silly memories. Loving on each other. And at the end of the day, rubbing your eyes, sighing with defeat relief.

Where most people look forward to weekends, I look forward to Monday-Friday (recently anyways). While Matt is on day-shift I get to wake up with Leah and James and get her off to the bus stop for school. (Our mornings go so much better than our nights around here.) After that, I come home and relax, or clean, or cook, or write, or relax, or read, or nap, or relax. And its quiet. So quiet. Besides when James is whaling to be fed. But for the most part, quiet. I even leave the TV/music off for the majority of the day. And just listen to the beautiful sound of nothing. It's golden. And I appreciate and need this time so bad. To collect my sanity, breathe, soak up all my squishy newborn-ness that soon won't be so newborn but baby.

I started to think about all of this earlier this morning and felt a twinge of guilt. Maybe because I get to enjoy all this and its without Leah and Matt. And Matt doesn't get to enjoy this. Not like I do anyway. Everyday though, we squeeze in Mommy-Leah time, Daddy-Leah time, and Mommy-Daddy time, so we're really not doing all that bad.
When Sunday rolls around, I may be bone-tired to the point of speaking improperly and not making any sense (I recently said "I'm putting James in the closet." rather than "I'm putting James in his car seat.") but the weeks are flying by and we're getting into the groove of this family of four thing. And I'm kind of loving it.
family scripture - Google Search

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Beautiful Day for a Birthday


So, on this day - this morning - twenty four years ago, I came into the world like pretty much every other baby does. Three days before my expected due date and exactly 20 years and one month after my mother herself was born. Here's some fun facts for you(!!):

*my grandmother had my mom 2 weeks after she turned 20 as well. (fascinating huh? Now your thinker is thinkin')
*I had Leah when I was 20 years and 2 months. ...I know, I know. Mind-blown, right? ha.

I'm another year older, maybe another year wiser. But definitely another year grateful. I have to say, I think my 23rd year of life has been the most eventful and exciting year thus far. Let's look back and reminisce shall we?

*I was baptised in November, a day I won't soon forget.
*Early December I had my wisdom teeth out (yep...big deal)
*In December we got pregnant.
*In February we got engaged.
*April we got married.
*And in September, well, my sweet boy graced us with his perfect, beautiful little self.
So blessed and so thankful for this amazing year. I'm spending this birthday with my family. My mom is cooking my favorite supper, followed by a yummy cake.

The sun is shining here today, the wind is blowing and the newly-changed leaves are gleaming with their vibrant autumn colours. Thank you, Lord.

Do Not Lose Heart - Thoughts on Galations 6:9  By Christy Beasley

Sunday, October 20, 2013

We made it to one.

One month that is. One whole month of two children, lots of diapers, little sleep, fewer showers than I would like, and breastfeeding -its going, and its going well (says the chubby-faced little ONE MONTH old!!). I've also learned to appreciate more, even 5 minutes of silence. It's a beautiful and welcome sound that doesn't occur too often. And I have to say, most of that isn't from James. I've recently realized that Leah's "off switch" may be broken, or not exist at all for that matter, and yes, its taken me this long to fully comprehend. The talking...never stops. Ever. But with lots of 3-year-old-talk comes lots of laughs. James seems to be so taken aback by everything. It wouldn't surprise me if it was because of his wild big sister. Always asking, saying, singing or acting out something while jumping off furniture or doing laps around the house. She's exhausting but so full of love, and she's so worth every new wrinkle or grey hair we find (and yeah, its happening).
One of the many things I look forward to is learning all about his personality and watching that part of him grow as well. The brother-sister relationship that has already kicked off with a bang just warms my heart and I'm excited to see their bond grow.
Everyday is a fresh new start that begins with smiles and coffee. Its a new reality that isn't always pretty; most days the inside of our house is not a pretty picture, some days none of us get out of our pj's, occasionally we're a little over-frustrated, tears are shed (not only by children), and supper goes without being made. But everyday there are smiles and memories are made. This month flew by and I know I will blink and they'll be finishing high school.

Month one, complete. Bring it month two. :D