Thursday, October 31, 2013

Why WE do Halloween


I can understand why some don't "celebrate" Halloween. And I think its really a personal choice. We all know its a historically evil day that has become tradition, even if it's somewhat strayed from its original celebratory acts. There is still evil done on this day. Even today witchcraft practitioners declare October 31 as the most favorable time to practice their arts. So, with that being said I can completely see why people wouldn't want anything to do with it.

But WE - we do. Not to practise witchcraft or celebrate the devil or do evil deeds. We don't do monsters or demonic beings.
I remember dressing up as child every year, I never understood the evil background and that's not even close to the reason why I went out every year. It was fun to dress up. To have a cool costume. A princess or a power ranger. It gave my parents a reason to buy me new dress-up apparel. And I got to stay up a bit later and get candy. Hello.

Small children, like Leah, have no idea what its really "about". She just enjoys dressing up -this year (the same as last year) a pirate - and the idea of trick-or-treating, getting candy, for free. James is being Batman, in case you were curious. Really, the whole history of Halloween is one that I'm not going to sit down and explain to my 4 year old. One day, she'll know about it, when she can understand it. But for now, its not about anything else but dressing up and candy to her. And we enjoy that.

Personally, I have nothing wrong with the whole Halloween thing. Its fun. We don't do scary here but hey, if that's your cup of tea then that's you're choice. There are alternatives to handing out candy as well. You could hand out a pencil (yay) with a verse on it, or hand out scriptural messages with the candy.

We love God and this day doesn't change how we feel and what we know in our hearts to be true. Its just a day. God is bigger than one day.
VBS Verse 2013.... 2 Timothy 1:7

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