Sunday, October 20, 2013

We made it to one.

One month that is. One whole month of two children, lots of diapers, little sleep, fewer showers than I would like, and breastfeeding -its going, and its going well (says the chubby-faced little ONE MONTH old!!). I've also learned to appreciate more, even 5 minutes of silence. It's a beautiful and welcome sound that doesn't occur too often. And I have to say, most of that isn't from James. I've recently realized that Leah's "off switch" may be broken, or not exist at all for that matter, and yes, its taken me this long to fully comprehend. The talking...never stops. Ever. But with lots of 3-year-old-talk comes lots of laughs. James seems to be so taken aback by everything. It wouldn't surprise me if it was because of his wild big sister. Always asking, saying, singing or acting out something while jumping off furniture or doing laps around the house. She's exhausting but so full of love, and she's so worth every new wrinkle or grey hair we find (and yeah, its happening).
One of the many things I look forward to is learning all about his personality and watching that part of him grow as well. The brother-sister relationship that has already kicked off with a bang just warms my heart and I'm excited to see their bond grow.
Everyday is a fresh new start that begins with smiles and coffee. Its a new reality that isn't always pretty; most days the inside of our house is not a pretty picture, some days none of us get out of our pj's, occasionally we're a little over-frustrated, tears are shed (not only by children), and supper goes without being made. But everyday there are smiles and memories are made. This month flew by and I know I will blink and they'll be finishing high school.

Month one, complete. Bring it month two. :D

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