
I just recently married the most amazing man ever, Matt (who truly is amazing), on April 15, 2013 after being together for 5+ years prior. But our story starts much earlier than that. Like, 12 years earlier, when we were just babies in middle school. I remember him as the "trouble maker". He remembers me as the "quiet, pretty one". We were close to dating during our first year of high school but ended up going our separate ways until we finally re-connected during our last year of high school. If you ask me, it all worked out pretty awesome if I do say so myself.
"Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. "Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. Thus may the LORD do to me, and worse, if anything but death parts you and me." Ruth 1:16-17 

Two years later, we found out we were expecting. And on a wintery cold New Years Eve evening our beautiful Leah came into the world. She made us Mommy and Daddy. And with that came a love so strong, so deep, that it can't even be explained. Our whole world changed that day.

Three years after that, just after the New Year of 2013, we found out that once again, God had blessed us with another tiny life. And on a beautifully cozy rainy day in September, by the grace of God, our Sweet James was born so perfectly and peaceful and amazing -- an experience like no other.

I have many loves, some of which include: God, my family, coffee, reading, cooking, taking photos, crafting, and writing. I've always enjoyed writing and loved English. I started this blog more for myself - just to get my thoughts out, ramble, document, you get the gist. We'll see where it takes me.

In November of 2012 I was baptized and spiritually born-again (you can read about that here). It is so comforting & relieving to know that you can be found and forgiven by God's amazing grace. I am not perfect but by the mercy and underserving love of God, I am learning to walk this journey with Him. ​

Thanks for stopping by! :)

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