Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A super extra special month

Who would ever think to wonder how much joy and love and extra specialness can fit into one month? Let me tell you - a whole lot.

I'm sitting here, nursing my tiny (or not so tiny) newish baby boy and thinking about this time last year. My body was in the midst of starting life. Microscopic beautiful life. And a few weeks later I'd be peeing on sticks.  A month later I'd get the positive that my husband knew I would. And behold, James. Not so microscopic but oh so beautiful.

And what was I doing four years ago? On new years eve we were not only celebrating the end of a wonderful year and the start of a new one but, we were celebrating our precious, one of a kind, new baby daughter. Who was born just 8 hours before midnight. What a glorious day. The most unforgettable new years eve.

What about close to six years ago? I was just a baby still, a girl finishing up high school as my husband's new girlfriend. We reconnected and had gotten so close in a single month. We were in love and shortly after christmas, he asked me to be his girlfriend. Clearly, I said yes. And I've only loved him more and more since then. He's a good man and I'm so thankful for him - for my bestest friend.

I've come to realize that so much of my life comes back to this month. Leah's due date was even our anniversary! God is so good, and his timing is astounding. Mind-blowing. And its incredible to look back and see the bigger picture. If we trust in the Lord He will make our paths straight. He will guide those paths and influence them. We don't even know where they go, but He can see the finish line ahead of us. And when we look behind us there it is. Our path of life. With shortcuts and detours, mountains and valleys. But we see it. Plain as day. And we realize. This is why. Because this is where I'm suppose to be. And its hard sometimes to let God be on the other end of the Walkie-Talkie and trust Him when you can't see where you're going for yourself. But he does. He knows. And He'll be there to grab your hand as you climb out of that hole.

Enjoy your December. ♡ 

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