Friday, November 15, 2013

There's something in the air...

Christmas. Its the season. There's something about Christmas (okay, everything about Christmas) that makes my insides all warm and gooey. But why? Why does Christmas make anyone warm and gooey?
You order a coffee and recieve that first Christmasy cup. Or the slight excitement of waking up and seeing that beautiful cold, white snow sprinkled on the ground. Hearing your first christmas song of the year, and feeling that warm child-like joy rise up in you. Freezing your hiney off at a Christmas parade. Or getting the tree up, decorated, plugged in, twinkling. Candles burning. Wind howling. Curled up on the sofa under the warmest blanket.
Family gatherings and turkey galore. Poinsettias and gingerbread houses. The box of chocolates sitting on the table. Laughing, smiling. Love. Real joy and gratitude. Because it's Christmastime.
The day we celebrate the birth of our Saviour and Lord. Jesus. Who came into this world just as every other person does. As a baby. Soft and squishy and cuddly and beautiful and innocent. Except He was perfect and without sin. A baby who grew to love us so much more in return. Love us so extremely He ended His life for us. He choosingly suffered on the cross so that we might live forever with him. He brought a man back from the dead! He could have very well gotten himself down from where he was nailed. But he didn't. And he didn't for us. And that's love, true love, real love - the realest of real.
He is the reason for the season.
Join me in my very own photo-a-day challenge for December. And keep Jesus in the season. The way it should be.

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