Sunday, March 01, 2015

Welcome March!

This is probably a post I'll never read again, but where else am I to release these built up and stir crazed thoughts? Its March! And there's still 3 feet of snow everywhere. I heard on the radio a couple days ago that we've had 7 extreme cold warning days this year and 5 of those were in February. What. The. Heck.

I need sunshine -- and not the teasing kind that looks beautiful and inviting and feels warm on the skin (through the window), but as soon as you step outside your nose hairs are freezing stiff and your eyes are watering.

I want to go outside with no coat, just a sweater and watch my kiddies play in puddles and kick the ball around on the grass with them and not have to bundle them up to go ANYWHERE!

I'm sick of winter.

The other day as I was buckling James into his car seat I thought, why do we even stay living here? IF we dislike the cold so much why don't we move? Winter lasts SO long here. But actually, I could never move too far. Never leave Canada. It's great here... except the insanely ludicrous new Sex-Ed curriculum that is trying to be introduced. But that's a whole other issue.

Anyways, welcome March! can go away now! That's all.

Hashtag Most boring post ever. Hashtag Your welcome.

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